




  PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.



  • 當(dāng)前沒有評論,趕緊搶個沙發(fā)!
  • 札达县| 曲阳县| 开原市| 吴旗县| 咸宁市| 凤凰县| 手游| 灌南县| 曲阜市| 南昌市| 南昌市| 泰州市| 芷江| 鄯善县| 云霄县| 嵊州市| 五峰| 蓬莱市| 曲靖市| 凤阳县| 东丽区| 中卫市| 饶阳县| 石棉县| 八宿县| 安西县| 兴安盟| 亳州市| 伊川县| 方城县| 德保县| 仲巴县| 江油市| 雷州市| 揭东县| 湄潭县| 运城市| 阜新| 治多县| 睢宁县| 汉川市|